Photos in Focus

You can create, design and build your dreams from nothing, but it does require people to help you bring that dream into reality... in this case, its Publicity stills!
When myself and two cast members Cat Deller & Sean Miller, visited Entrepreneur Education at the Chevron Renaissance, Surfers Paradise, last Friday to work with one of my regular collaborators, photographer Mark Williamson, and three of his students Beatriz Gutierrez Castanheira, Stephano Bolomey Denegri and Catalina Garzon, who are involved in the Certificate IV in photography and Photo Image; It was an environment of creative freedom, informality and teamwork in capturing some great moments!
For those of you who don’t know, Mark has taken photos for: Dial M for Murder, Little Women, The 8 Reindeer Monologues, The Thin Man and The Fatman. It’s always been a blast working with him, and I’ve also learnt a lot along the way of what makes a good image sellable from his knowledge and experience.
Mark and myself have always thrown around the idea of finding a way to give photographic opportunities, and experience, through my creative endeavours to those who are looking for it. And on Friday we finally got a chance to trial it out with thanks Entrepreneur Education, who aim to provide educational qualifications to their graduates, with real-world hands on experience, experienced mentors and an inspiring & collaborative creative environment.

And that’s exactly what I saw as I watched Mark help guide the students, with his knowledge, to capturing the moments I was looking for my cast and myself. Even though it was just bare bones I tried to explain my vision to the team, cast & photographers, and gave them my trust by allowing for a lot of creative freedom between us all.
After all the person with the camera is the artist, just like a painter with a canvas, and I want them to be happy with their work just like my cast who are putting in the same effort.

During my journey to become a creative leader, one of many in the creative arts, I’ve learnt over time by watching others in situations like this that the real talent of leadership lies in turning a collective bunch of individuals into a team and creating an atmosphere of trust, collaboration & teamwork. As no accomplishment is done by a solo effort.
The results as you will soon see, speak for themselves. And I look forward to future collaborations with these students and hopefully many others.

Over the next few days / weeks, you will be introduced the aforementioned photographers and the cast members/musicians for the next Radioplay Hour adventure: Candi Matson and the cable car murders.